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UFO Organizations A-L
11.00 Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group
18 Davis Drive Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620 Francis L. Ridge (Director) 812-838-3120 / 812-838-9843 Publishers of : Indiana UFO Newsletter Founded in 1986 A statewide organization which attempts to immediately respond to UFO sightings
11.01 The Aetherius Society
6202 Afton Place Hollywood, California 90028-8298 Detroit Branch 17670 West 12 Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48076 313-552-9153 / 313-552-9159 Reverend Lesley Young (General Committeee) : 213~65-9652/ 213~67-HEAL (4325) Publishers of : The Aetherius Society Journal : Cosmic Voice Founded in 1960 The Hollywood, California office is the American headquarters for The Society which was founded in England in 1955. In the US, the Society was incorporated in 1960 as a non-profit religious, scientific, and educational organization. The Society is a metaphysical, channeling organization whose founder/president, Sir George King, is a Western Master of Yoga and who has been in contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligences for over 35 years. He acts as a channel for the dissemination of Higher Wisdom from These Sources. The Society's objective is to explain the presence of UFOs around the Earth and to make known knowledge given to their president by Advanced Beings who reside in this Solar System. This information is disseminated through books, pamphlets, cassettes and albums and two newsletters, "The Aetherius Society Journal" and "Cosmic Voice". Also, study courses in: "Metaphysical and Occult Sciences" and "Cosmic Revelations" to further spread the word and to explain the cosmic significance of messages received from the Advanced Beings. Regular meetings at the U.S. and England headquarters as well as by associated branches throughout the world. Prayer Circles are organized during a Spiritual Push (or Magnetization Period) at different holy mountain sites, when the giant Interplanetary Spacecraft is brought into Earth's orbit by a Cosmic Master. Helpers who attend these Power Circles send out the Spiritual energies from this Cosmic Master to help mankind.
11.02 Ancient Astronaut Society
1921 St. Johns Avenue Highland Park, Illinois 60035-3105 Gene M. Phillips (Founder) :708-295-8899 Publication is Ancient Skies Founded in 1973. non-profit, tac-exempt organization operated for scientific, literary and educational purposes. The primary objectives of the Society are to search for evidence of whether Earth was visited in the remote past by intelligent beings from outer space and to determine whether a highly developed, technological civilization existed on Earth before our recorded history. The Society also provides complete study courses in: "Metaphysical and Occult Sciences" and "Cosmic Revelations" to explain the cosmic significance of messages received from Advanced Beings.
11.03 Ancient Truth Research Foundation
6146 Eleanor Avenue #205 Los Angeles, California 90~036 Albert Rainey 213'464-5948 Publication is Cosmic Current News Interested in many New Age topics, including UFOs.
11.04 The Awareness Reserch Foundation, Inc.
DeSoto Square No. 29, 35 Ritter Road Hayesville, North Carolina 28904 Helen I. Hoag (Executive Director) 704-389-8672 New Age organization with many interests, including UFOs; investigates various metaphysical activities and issues findings through publication of various books.
11.05 Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF)
P.O. Box 429 Garberville, California 9544429 Contact : Tom Brown Telephone Number : 707-986-7211 Publication is : Journal of Borderland Research Founded in: 1945 Functions as clearinghouse, specializing in rare and unusual information. BSRF is an alternative scientific movement which deals with a variety of borderland subjects, including UFOs; a non-profit organization; its members are people who take an active interest in observing the physical, mental, and spiritual environment. In addition BSRF studies: Light & Color affects on people, Radionics, Dowsing, Free Energy, Orgone Energy, Hollow Earth Mysteries, Anomalies, Fortean Phenomena, Hypnosis, Photography of the Invisible, etc. and offers a catalog of available books, reports, and tapes.
Commonly called BUFORA. It was formed in 1962 as a federation of eight regional UK UFO groups. These included the London UFO Research Organisation (LUFORO, founded in 1959) the largest UK group at the time and the British Flying Saucer Bureau (BFSB, founded in 1952) which was the oldest UK group.BUFORA publishes six issues per year of the A4 magazine UFO TIMES. Current annual membership subscription is 18 pounds sterling. Approx membership 500. Current senior officers include Stephen Gamble (Chairman) and John Spencer (Vice-chairman).
Contact address : The Leys, 2c Leyton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2TL, Great Britain. Phone +44 (0) 582 763218.
11.07 California UFO
1800 South Robertson Blvd Box 355 Los Angeles, California 90035 Vicki Cooper (Editor); Don Ecker (Researcher) Telephone Numbers : 213-273-9409 /818-951-1250 Publication : UFO Publishes the bi-monthly UFO" magazine. Additionally, this organization sponsors annual conferences which concentrate on a variety of UFO-related subjects.
11.08 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)
P.O. Box 218 c/o Mr. Lawrence Fawcett Coventry, Cormecticut 06238 [or] 471 Goose Lane Peter Gersten (Director) Coventry, Connecticut 06238 Lawrence Fawcett (Asst Director & Publisher) Barry Greenwood (Research Director & Editor) P.O.Box 176, Stoneham, MASS, 02180, USA Publication is : Just Cause Founded in : 1978A non-profit organization to uncover all existing documentation relating to governrnent involvement in UFO investigations and research. To accomplish this, CAUS files numerous Freedom of Inforrnation Act (FOIA) lawsuits in an attempt to get the governrnent to release relevant documents.Their "Just Cause" quarterly newsletter carries events and provides updated UFO news from around the world. They published a book too -- "Clear Intent"
11.09 Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) Refer to: The Skeptical Inquirer P.O. Box 229 Buffalo, New York 14215 Paul Kurtz (Chairman - Skeptical Inquirer) Philip J. Klass (UFO Subcommittee) Lynda Harwood (Public Relations) 716-834-3222 716-834-0841 "The Skeptical Inquirer" is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. CSICOP is headed by Paul Kurtz and investigates claims of the Paranorrnal, including UFOs and UFO-related activity.The committee's investigations, findings, commentaries, etc. are published in "The Skeptical Inquirern.
Bulletin Board system run by UFO Reporting and Information Service. Date of formation not known. Information director : Dale Goudie, SYSOP: Jim Klotz Based Seattle, Washington, USA. Board number +1 206 776 0382, parameters 300/1200/2400 bps 8 bit no parity 1 stop bit.
11.11 Contactee
P.O. Box 12 New Milford, New Jersey 07646 Ellen Crystall (Director) Studies UFOs by direct observation; quarterly newsletter, "Contactee" details activities.Tne primary goal of Contactee is to educate about world-wide contacts being made with UFOs and to disseminate information to all interested parties. Contactee also sells books and sponsors various conferences. Regular Member (those who claim to have had alien contact) and Auxiliary Member (those who do not claim UFO contact) membership fee is $20.00 per year and includes the newsletter. Contactee accepts articles for its newsletter.
11.12 Cosmic Awareness Communications
P.O. Box 115 Olympia, Washington 98507 Vikki T. (Correspondence Secretary) Pulication is : Reveltions of Awareness A tax-exempt organization. Studies New Age subjects, including UFOs. This group is centered around the "channelings" of a "Force" which refers to itself as "Cosmic Awareness". CA believes that this "Force" has expressed itself through selected people in history including Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, and Edgar Cayce, among others. Publication, "Revelations of Awareness, has published over 300 editions and details various New Age subjects. Subscribers receive a catalog listing all available back issues and subjects covered. Membership is $30.00 per year. Will accept memberships for three month periods ($3.00 per month), prepaid. Individual/Family $ 3.00/ month or $30.00/ year New Age-related (including UFOs) books and tapes available.
11.13 CSETI
Dr. Steven Greer 704-274-5671 Asheville,N.C.
11.14 Delval UFO, Inc.
948 Almshouse Road Ivyland, Pennsylvania 18974 Anthony Volpe (President) 215-357-2909 Publication is the Awakening; the group was founded in 1973. A channeling, contactee UFO organization, founded in 1973.their publication "Awakening", is offered nine 9 times a year; they sell UFO-related books and tapes.
11.15 The Fair Witness Project, Inc.
Parent Organization: William L. Moore Publications & Research 4219 West Olive Avenue Suite #247 Burbank, California 91505 213-463-0542 Publication is : Focus A non-profit corporation whose income is used to fund the research efforts of qualified persons selected by the Directors of the Fair Witness Project. They accept donations and will send an acknowledgement of that donation for tax purposes.11.16 The Federation
The Federation is a group of people who feel it is high time we got off this rock and started exploring the great unknown of space. The Federation has drawn out in blue print form a drive system that is a a super semi conducting crystaline structure. To get more information on the Federation send a 3.5 floppy and they will place an info packet on it and send it back to you. You must have a mac that has 5.0 microsoftword or better.Send to this adrress:The Federation C/O Lady Rhavyn Po box 231772 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-1772
If you have any questions feel free to send to this account. ASLJL@ACAD2.ALASKA.EDU
11.17 Flying Saucer Information Center
7803 Ruanne Court Pasadena, Maryland 21122 James H. Wales : Update Founded in 1954 Acts as a clearing house for the distribution of UFO information to the general public. Laura Mundo began this organization in 1954. Group feels the Earth is in danger due to upcoming radical changes in the atmosphere (sunspot activity) and Space Beings are here to help. They will be able to either solve the problem or take selected Earth people to safe locations (inside their insulated spaceships) until the atmospheric activity calms down. When humans return to Earth after surviving the atmospheric instability, they will begin the Universal Way of Life, which is a standard way of life on other planets. Also believe Space People living on Earth today are to here to monitor us and help.
This was founded in 1982 by Ray Boeche and deals with all aspects of Fortean Phenomena. The current Director is Scott Colbourn. The contact address for the Center is P.O.Box 94627, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68509, USA. The Center runs a Bulletin Board on +1 402 488 2587.
Formed in 1979, commonly called FUFOR. Not a membership organisation, but awards grants towards research activities. Funds raised primarily by donation. Chairman Bruce Macabee. Contact address : P.O. Box 277, Mount Rainer, Maryland, 20712, USA.
11.20 The Fund for UFO Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 277 Mt. Rainier, Maryland 20712 Bruce Maccabee, PhD (Chairman) Publication is: Quarterly Report Founded in 1979 2000 Members A non-profit, tax-exempt organization based in Washington, D.. whose mission is to provide grants for scientific research and public education projects dealing with the UFO phenomenon. Since 1979 has raised more than $150,000.00 from more than 2000 contributors. Also sponsors and awards the annual Donald E. Keyhoe Journalism Award." The Fund sponsors such projects the release of U.S. Government documents concerning UFOs under the Freedom of Informatioon Act,computer-aided analysis of UFO photographs, research into major UFO sightings around the world, research into "Operation Majestic 12", psychological testing of people who reported being abducted by apparent aliens, international symposiums and conducts interviews and lectures. The Fund takes the position that many reported UFOs cannot be identified as conventional aerial vehicles or phenomena. Thus, UFO reports are potentially of enormous significance and merit serious scientific research.
11.21 Gulf Breeze Skywatch
904-433-2737 (Bruce and Ann Morrison)
11.22 Inner-Peace Prosperity Network (IPPN)
12628 Black Saddle Lane Germntown, Maryland 20874-5001 Patrick O'Connell 301-972-1980 IPPN believes that extraterrestrials have already landed and established underground bases, mainly in the western and southwestern United States. "Trends & Predictions Analystn, is a compilation of UFO-related theories, news, and current events; newsletter (printed twice a year) also details available books, papers, and tapes for sale by IPPN. Membership rates: $ 4.00/ year (U.S. & Canada) $ 5 .00/ year (Foreign) $12.vO /3 years (IJ.S. & Canada) $15.00 / 3 years (Foreign) Membership includes the newsletter. IPPN also sells Name Lists of people who subscribe to New Age periodicals. IPPN gears the selling of these lists to those interested in selling New Age- related products. As of September 1990, the charge for these lists are: 1000 Narnes $20.00 2000 Names $40.00 3000 Narnes $60.00 IPPN also sells back-issues of "The New Atlantean Journaln, a defunct periodical dealing with New Age-related subjects, including UFOs.
11.23 Intercontinental UF Galactic Spacecraft-Research and
Analytic Network (ICUFON) 35-40 75th Street Suite 4G Jackson Heights, New York 11372 Colman S. VonKeviczky (Director) 718-72-7948 A non-profit organization whose goal is to persuade the United Nations (and the world's governments) to establish an official World Authority for UFO Affairs (the WASA Project), to seek and establish contact with extraterrestrial galactic powers; maintains that the world's governments have known about UFOUs for several decades and that they are conducting covert warfare in an attempt to try to stop any invasion from outer space. ICUFON wants to open full dialogue with any and all extraterrestrial forces. ICUFON maintains an Archives Department which contains UFO cases, photographs, movie films, declassified military and governmental documentation from all over the world.
Formed in 1979 as a UFOlogical 'United Nations'. The membership consists of representative organisations for various countries. Commonly called ICUR. Members include BUFORA (UK); Center for UFO Studies (USA); CISU (Italy); MUFON (USA); SUFOI (Denmark); Project UNICAT (USA) Project URD (Sweden); VUFORS (Australia).ICUR's objectives are to promote data exchange between groups and to help establish common standards and terminology.
Officers are Chairman: Robert Digby (BUFORA, UK); Vice-Chairman: Walter Andrus (MUFON, USA); Secretary : Stephen Gamble (BUFORA, UK) and Treasurer : John Spencer (BUFORA, UK). Contact address is : P.O. Box 314, Penn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP10 8DH, Great Britain.
11.25 Internationa1 Fortean Organization (INFO)
P.O. Box 367 Arlington, VA 22210-0367 Raymond Manners (President & Journal Editor) Publication is INFO Journal Founded in 1965 by Ronald Willis A non-profit corporation established for the educational and scientific study of Fortean phenomena. INFO investigates the strange and unreasonable events that happen in this world, including UFOs, lost civilizations, physical anomalies, Atlantis, Bigfoot, vanished civilizations, etc. Today, INFO continues the work of Charles Fort to collect, record, and publish reports of strange occurrences. Their findings are published in the INFO Journal. INFO holds an annual convention, called FortFest, in the Washington D.C. area. Annual membership fee includes the "INFO Journal" is $12.00 in the U.S. and $16.00 for foreign countries. INFO maintains files on all of its investigations, cases, etc. Slides, books, and tapes are for sale and back issues of "INFO Journal" are also available. The INFO Research Service performs funded research for the media while the INFO Research Library is open to scholars.
Organisation formed by abduction researcher Budd Hopkins to provide support and a forum for abductees to discuss their experiences. Contact address : PO Box 30233, New York, New York, 10011, USA. Phone and fax: +1 212-645-527811.27 Island Skywatch
164-22 77th Road Flushing, New York 11366 : Bill Knell (Director) 718-591-1854 (24-Hour Hotline) . The New York UFO Report : Island Publication is Skywatch Journal 1989 by Bill Knell A tax-exempt organization whose goal is the scientific and objective study of the UFO phenomenon. Membership ($25.00 per year) includes one year subscription to the "New York UFO Report" and the Island Skywatch Journal, one copy of "Hidden Truth: The UFO Story" (a two-hour video history about UFOs written by Bill Knell), the opportunity to attend free local meetings, free training as a UFO investigator, and the opportunity to investigate Island Skywatch cases.They offer a wide variety of books, audiotapes, video tapes, for sale. Bill Knell has cable TV UFO show "UFOs Over Long Island" on the Brookhaven Cable TV system every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. (channel 35).UFO Abductee Support Group offered as well.
2457 West Peterson Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60659 Contacts Mark Rodeghier (President) George Eberhart (Librarian & Archivist) 312-271-3611 Publications are : The Journal of UFO Studies and International UFO Reporter (IUR) Founded in 1973 by Dr. J. Allen HynekA non-profit organization whose goal is to promote serious research into the UFO phenomena through the expertise of an international group of scientists, academians, and volunteers. This organization has a worldwide network of field investigators that interview witnesses, examine physical evidence and gather any other relevant information. The major purpose of CUFOS is to act as a clearinghouse - aplace where UFO experiences can be reported and researched. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who was considered one of the world's pre- eminent authorities on the UFO phenomenon, first became involved with UFOs as Scientific Consultant to the U.S. Air Force from 1948 to 1968, and was Scientific Director of CUFOS until his death in 1986. He coined the phrase "close encounters of the third kind" and acted as technical advisor to director Steven Spielberg on the movie of the same name. CUFOS maintains the world's largest repository of data about UFO phenomena, second only to the US Government! This material includes more than 50,000 cases of UFO sightings and a library of more than 5,000 books and magazines, which cover all aspects of the UFO phenomena. CUFOS promotes various activities, projects, publications, symposiums, conferences, seminars and field trips to various UFO-related locations and sells journals, books, audiocassette tapes, and other publications. The "International UFO Reporter (IUR)", published bi-monthly, reports on current sightings, news and articles on current UFO topics. CUFOS also publishes the annual "Journal of UFO Studies" which presents a collection of scholarly papers on the UFO phenomenon. A $25.00 contribution entitles a member to become an ASSOCIATE of CUFOS and to receive the "International UFO Reporter" for one year. The Center publishes the International UFO Reporter